Prof. Antoon DE LAAT , DDS, PhD is responsible for the Clinic for Temporomandibular Disorders and for teaching oral physiology and pathophysiology at the Dept. Oral Health Sciences of the Catholic University Leuven, Belgium. He deals with temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain on a full-time basis. His scientific work led to over 200 papers and abstracts. He lectured all over Europe, North and South-America, the Middle and Far East. Prof. De Laat was Associate Editor of the Journal of Orofacial Pain, the European Journal of Oral Sciences and the European Journal of Pain. He is Past-President of the IADR/Neuroscience group, the European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders, the Belgian Pain Society, and founding Chair of the Special Interest Group on Orofacial Pain of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), where he also served on the Council and as chair of the Research Committee. He is Board member of the Society of Oral Physiology and President of the Leuven Dental Alumni Society. His research interests are trigeminal neurophysiology, jaw reflexes, orofacial pain and quantitative sensory testing. In 2009, he received a doctorate h.c. at the Aalborg University, Denmark. Since 2011, he is Chairman of the Dental Department of the Univ. Hospitals KULeuven.