Dr. Cook received his Bachelors of Science in Physical Therapy at Maryville University in 1990, a Masters of Business Administration in 1999, and a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) at Texas Tech University in 2003. He was certified as an orthopedic manual therapist in 2001, achieved APTA board certified orthopedic specialization in 2002, and received fellowship status at the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Therapy in 2006. Dr. Cook has published well over 160 peer reviewed papers and has two textbooks in their 2nd edition: Orthopedic Manual Therapy: An evidence based approach and Orthopedic Physical Examination Tests: An evidence based approach. Dr. Cook has published several book chapters in other textbooks and has presented internationally at over 145 presentations/conferences. He has given a keynote address on differential diagnosis in 9 different countries. He is an Associate Editor at Manual Therapy and is an associate editor or is on an editorial advisory committee for 5 other international journals. He is currently the treasurer of AAOMPT. Dr. Cook has won numerous awards locally at Duke for teaching, is a recent winner of the OPTP/JMMT literature review award in 2003 and 2005, was the 2009 winner of the top educator award for the American Physical Therapy Association, is the 2008 recipient of the Helen Bradley career achievement award and is the 2005 winner of the J Warren Perry Distinguished Authorship Award. He is also the 2011, 2012, and 2013 Winner of the AAOMPT Excellence in Research Award.