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Integrated manual therapy for the upper cervical spine and headache

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Ce cours couvrira la classification et le traitement des céphalées pouvant être traitées par la thérapie manuelle. Une attention particulière sera portée sur les pratiques cliniques fondées sur des données probantes, mettant l'accent sur l'examen clinique, l'évaluation, l'interprétation, le diagnostic différentiel et le traitement.
Ce cours se déroulera sous forme de sessions théorique, de tutorat et d'atelier pratique.
On s'attend à ce que le contenu du cours convienne aux personnes qui cherchent de nouvelles connaissances, aux personnes qui cherchent à élargir leurs connaissances sur les céphalées.
Bien que le contenu du cours soit exigent, cela ne devrait pas être considéré comme un obstacle à la participation pour ceux qui ont peu ou pas d'expérience dans ce domaine particulier.

Nombre de module(s) : 1

Integrated manual therapy for the upper cervical spine and headache

Course Philosophy

This is an eclectic manual therapy programme combining techniques from many different manual therapy concepts. This eclectic approach provides clinicians with a range of tools to safely manage patients with a variety of different upper cervical pain disorders. An important part of this course is clinical evaluation. There is also a strong emphasis on teaching clinicians the ability to perform an accurate and specific manual therapy examination.

Articular System
As part of the assessment of the articular system the aim is to teach a range of evidence-based passive motion testing procedures to include provocative tests in combined positions for specific structures as well as tests to determine specific motion segment dysfunction. This is particularly important in the management of headache disorders.

Neural System
An overview of neural tissue pain disorders will be presented with differential diagnosis for different types of neural dysfunction, including neuropathic pain with sensory hypersensitivity, peripheral nerve sensitization and compressive neuropathy. Assessment to distinguish the common forms of neural disorders in headache will be demonstrated and practiced. The clinical relevance of distinguishing these different types of disorders will be presented, particularly in relation to management.

Muscle System
Recurrent and recalcitrant pain disorders of the cervical spine require an assessment of trunk, scapula and cervical spine dynamic and static postural and motor control as well as muscle function to determine impairment. Impairment is not always linked to the presenting pain disorder, so requires careful consideration. An emphasis of this programme is a functional approach to the assessment of the cervical/shoulder girdle muscle system.

A core principle of the programme is the ongoing clinical reasoning based on the subjective and physical examination. This programme does not provide the participants with a recipe approach to treatment. Students will be able to develop though sound methodology, appropriate treatment strategies with logical progression over time.

There is no pre-requisite in terms of manual therapy experience. The programme offers a high level of information and clinical expertise, providing all participants regardless of previous clinical experience and knowledge with a stimulating learning environment. Previous programme participants have recommended this programme. They have reported excellent feedback in terms of material content, presenter?s knowledge, and practical supervision.


To promote understanding of the classification and evaluation of headache disorders with potential for manual therapy management.
To develop a strong evidence-based biomedical basis towards the examination, evaluation and physical treatment of upper cervical spine neuromusculoskeletal pain disorders.
To promote understanding of the mechanisms for patient presentations of dysfunction such as in upper cervical spine neuromusculoskeletal pain disorders.
To develop ability to evaluate and differentially diagnose upper cervical spine neuromusculoskeletal pain disorders.
To develop ability to prescribe and apply appropriate physical treatments for upper cervical spine neuromusculoskeletal pain disorders.


2 jours


Jour 1
09h00 - 10h30: Classification des céphalées pouvant être traitées en thérapie manuelle
10h30 - 10h45: Pause café
10h45 - 12h30: Examen physique cervical: Fonction articulaire
12h30 - 13h30: Repas
13h30 - 15h00: Examen physique cervical: Fonction articulaire ? suite
15h30 - 15h45: Pause café
15h45 - 17:00: Examen physique cervical: Fonction neurale

Jour 2
09h00 - 10h30: Examen physique cervical: Fonction musculaire
10h30 - 10h45: Pause café
10h45 - 12h30: Traitement
12h30 - 13h30: Repas
13h30 - 15h00: Traitement
15h30 - 15h45: Pause café
15h45 - 17:00: Traitement

Information(s) complémentaire(s)

Pour qui?
La formation s'adresse aux kinésithérapeutes , médecins , ostéopathes

La formation sera donnée en Anglais avec traduction

Support de cours
Un support de cours sera distribué à chaque participant.

Accréditation Pro Q Kiné: 15 points

Tarif du séminaire
420 euros pour les 2 jours

Le prix comprend:s
?- L'inscription au cours
?- Les pauses café
?- Le support de cours

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